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Understanding CBD:
CB1 Receptors, CB2 Receptors
& Hemp Terpenes

Cannabidiol (CBD) has been generating a lot of buzz lately. You’ve probably seen cbd oil for sale at your local dispensary, and many people are wondering what it is and how it differs from cannabis.

Our team here at One Hemp Holistics will help you understand CBD by going over CB1 receptors, CB2 receptors, the benefits of hemp terpenes, as well as some helpful hints to know before you buy!

CB-receptors are two main types of receptors in the human body that interact with cannabinoids. Put simply, they’re what CBD interacts with to provide health benefits or produce a cannabis high when THC is present.

CB1 Receptors - Primarily found in your brain
CB2 Receptors - Typically found on immune cells

Understanding CB1 Receptors

CBD and THC circulate through the bloodstream to the brain, where they activate cannabinoid receptors. Cannabis-derived CBD is non psychoactive; instead, it potentiates THC by enhancing its effects at CB1 receptors throughout the body. These effects include a mood boost that renders anxiety less overwhelming (desensitization).

CBD Is True Bliss

CBD and THC circulate through the bloodstream to the brain, where they activate cannabinoid receptors. Cannabis-derived CBD is non psychoactive; instead, it potentiates THC by enhancing its effects at CB1 receptors throughout the body. These effects include a mood boost that renders anxiety less overwhelming (desensitization).

Why CBD Works So Well

The reason CBD products work so well is due to the fact that CBD inhibits FAAH enzymes from breaking anandamide down. As a result, people who take CBD can experience reduced anxiety disorders and other benefits that come with being less anxious thanks to this inhibitory effect on the FAAH enzyme’s activity level.

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Lets Relax
Together With

CBD is a cannabis-derived substance used to reduce stress and promote relaxation. It works by reducing blood flow in the brain regions linked with anxiety like the hypothalamus. This region can become overactive during times of high levels of stress & worry.

CBD Stops
That Anxious Feeling

Researchers have found CBD promoted general feelings of calmness and reduced their sense they were being overwhelmed when anxious. The ability to remain calm during these situations allowed their trial patients to have more control over how they reacted. This reaction was based on an explicit choice rather than the automatic response from adrenaline caused by fear hormones such as cortisol.

CBD is Also An Antidepressant

Besides alleviating feelings of stress and worry, CBD also works as a natural antidepressant! Researchers have discovered that this natural product stimulates endocannabinoid receptors within depressed patients leading them out of their depression spiral. This is just one among many indications that will lead clinicians into using cannabis-based medications more often than ever before.

CBD boosts levels of:
  - Dopamine
  - Oxytocin
  - Serotonin
  - Endorphins

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What Exactly is an
Endocannabinoid System?

The endocannabinoid system is responsible for a number of different functions that are vital to your health. It controls things like:
   -   Eating Habits
   -   Sleeping Patterns
   -   Social Behaviors
   -   joint health
   -   pain management
   -   mood disorder

How does it do all this? The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) helps cells communicate by regulating the levels of any chemicals that may be too high or low. The endocannabinoid system regulates several bodily functions, including signaling brain activity, immunity, and digestion. Understanding the intricacies of this system is one piece in understanding CBD as a whole. It consists of a group of molecules and receptors that occur naturally in the body.

The CB2 Receptors Responsibility

Recent studies show that cannabis and hemp have been used for centuries to relieve pain in patients with joint health, pain management, sleep cycles, mood disorder, and focus & memory. Hemp is healing without the high!

CB2 receptors are typically located on immune cells found throughout the body. They regulate important cell functions such as immunity by managing pro-inflammatory effects (supporting anti-inflammation) or inflammatory responses when needed. CBD works through these receptor sites to manage pain-sensing neurons, eventually stopping them from sending discomfort signals into the nervous system, giving this natural therapy its healing power.

Suppression of Inflammation

CB2 receptors are typically located on immune cells found throughout the body. They regulate essential cell functions such as immunity by managing pro-inflammatory effects (supporting anti-inflammation) or inflammatory responses when needed. CBD works through these receptor sites to manage pain-sensing neurons, eventually stopping them from sending discomfort signals into the nervous system, giving this natural therapy its healing power.

When Your Immune System Reacts Inappropriately

The inflammatory response is an important part of how your immune system works, but sometimes it gets activated at the wrong time. When this happens, chronic inflammation can happen or you might develop auto-immunity and attack healthy cells with your body’s natural defenses.

Our bodies are programmed to react when we experience pain. Pain is a natural survival instinct, which means that it should be felt and processed in order for us to live our best lives possible. This becomes problematic when these signals are improperly triggered. A well-known endocannabinoid called anandamide (AEA) can reduce feelings of intense discomfort by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses from one cell or neuron to another through messages sent via neurotransmitters.

What It Means
To Regulate The ECS

It is vital to regulate the immune, nervous, and endocrine systems to
achieve homeostasis. This helps relieve pain and inflammation by bringing these bodily functions back into balance. The use of CBD derived from hemp also affects fat
processing and our moods which can lead to an increased energy level while
improving brain health (neuro-inflammation).

Another way that this cannabinoid works its magic is through hormone regulation
because it has qualities known as adaptogens or substances used specifically for
stabilization purposes, such as hormones within your body’s system!

The Essential
Oils Of All Plants

Terpenes come from organic substances found only in plants. These oils are what make cannabis so aromatic and flavorful. Terpenes also act as natural pesticides for plants by repelling pests or creating an unfriendly environment for bugs to live in; hemp has a variety of terpene profiles that can help regulate mood, immune response, and inflammation.


CBD is one of the most powerful and versatile compounds in nature. As more people around the world discover CBD, more become interested in educating themselves on CBD’s potential benefits, as well as its potential side effects and risks. Our blog aims to inform, advocate and promote CBD. Our CBD blog is here to inform, advocate and promote the benefits of CBD. We use real science and stories to show the world what this plant can do and how it will impact your life.

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